Welcome to my blog. It's always great reading other people's blogs-looks great fun to do. So, now I've got some time to indulge myself in patchwork and quilting, I thought I'd have a go. So looking forward to meeting new friends and sharing the passion.

About Me

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Following a lifetime spent in teaching, I'm now enjoying the luxury of having time to indulge in a wonderful hobby. I also now have time to visit my son, his wife and baby in US. Time too, for seeing my other son frequently. Keith, my husband is often drystone walling and climbing...so a girl's got to find something to do. Great news, awaiting the birth of twin grand-daughters in early October 2011...more quilts needed! Ireally welcome welcome your comments and interest in my blog. Thank you. P.S. I'm the one on the right!

Sunday, 20 February 2011

A Good Day Out

I had a lovely day out yesterday with my quilting group. Went to see a fabulous exhibition of the Quaker tapestry-it's a hanging that tells the story of 350 years of Quaker experience.There are 77 panels and more than 4,000 men, women and children in 15 countries have contributed to it. It was started in 1981 and finished in1996.

After lunch we were lucky enough to be in the cathedral when an inspirational talk was just beginning. Liz Wall a textile artist from Southport in Lancashire showed amazing works of raw-edged applique which encompasses animals and plants. Her most oustanding work was of 2 chasubles (ecclesiastical garments) which werejust wonderful...talk about being in the right place at the right time! 

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