Welcome to my blog. It's always great reading other people's blogs-looks great fun to do. So, now I've got some time to indulge myself in patchwork and quilting, I thought I'd have a go. So looking forward to meeting new friends and sharing the passion.

About Me

My photo
Following a lifetime spent in teaching, I'm now enjoying the luxury of having time to indulge in a wonderful hobby. I also now have time to visit my son, his wife and baby in US. Time too, for seeing my other son frequently. Keith, my husband is often drystone walling and climbing...so a girl's got to find something to do. Great news, awaiting the birth of twin grand-daughters in early October 2011...more quilts needed! Ireally welcome welcome your comments and interest in my blog. Thank you. P.S. I'm the one on the right!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Fabulous Workshops

Just spent two days attending workshops presesnted by Ineke Berlyn, a Dutch textile artist. Her work is mostly about landscapes. On day one, we produced mini landscapes using stitch and flip and lots of scraps of materials. They were very effective and I'll post a picture of mine when it's finished. On the second day, we used Lutrador - a new medium for me, and made landscapes with acrylics, soldering irons, bondaweb etc. I always love looking at everyone else's work and wasn't disappointed at the end of these two days...photos to follow. You might like to look at Ineke's web page.

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