Welcome to my blog. It's always great reading other people's blogs-looks great fun to do. So, now I've got some time to indulge myself in patchwork and quilting, I thought I'd have a go. So looking forward to meeting new friends and sharing the passion.

About Me

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Following a lifetime spent in teaching, I'm now enjoying the luxury of having time to indulge in a wonderful hobby. I also now have time to visit my son, his wife and baby in US. Time too, for seeing my other son frequently. Keith, my husband is often drystone walling and climbing...so a girl's got to find something to do. Great news, awaiting the birth of twin grand-daughters in early October 2011...more quilts needed! Ireally welcome welcome your comments and interest in my blog. Thank you. P.S. I'm the one on the right!

Sunday, 21 August 2011

The New Machine!

At last I've got it unpacked and I'm ready to go. Going to assemble some of the trickier attachments like the circular attachment and the Bobbin Work Kit which will allow me to sew decorative stitches using thick threads.
But first I need to focus on the touch screen display so I get used to it. My plan is to play with the dozens of stitches and see the different effects by altering their size and width-ordinary calico for that. Then I'm going to make a lot of small quilt sandwiches and try the different quilting feet using a variety of threads and stitches. Next it's going to be using the machine for piecing and applique. After that it'll be using the circular attachment and Bobbin Kit. A big session on free motion quilting and then it'll be time to start a new project.
So I'd better get busy!

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